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  • Barbara Copperthwaite

“Unputdownable” #bookreview Her Every Fear, by Peter Swanson @PeterSwanson3 @FaberBooks

“Had me literally gasping out loud. Read this book!”


Following a brutal attack by her ex-boyfriend, Kate Priddy makes an uncharacteristically bold decision after her cousin, Corbin Dell, suggests a temporary apartment swap – and she moves from London to Boston.

But soon after her arrival Kate makes a shocking discovery: Corbin’s next-door neighbour, a young woman named Audrey Marshall, has been murdered. When the police begin asking questions about Corbin’s relationship with Audrey, and his neighbours come forward with their own suspicions, a shaken Kate has few answers, and many questions of her own.

Jetlagged and emotionally unstable, her imagination playing out her every fear, Kate can barely trust herself. so how can she trust any of the strangers she’s just met?

In the tradition of such greats as Gillian Flynn and Harlan Coben, Patricia Highsmith and James M. Cain, Her Every Fear is a scintillating novel, rich with the chilling insight and virtuoso skill for plotting that has propelled Peter Swanson to the highest ranks of thriller writing.


I’m a huge Peter Swanson fan ever since reading his second novel, The Kind Worth Killing, which became my absolute favourite read of last year. When people ask me for a recommendation, it is still that book that springs to mind every single time. So…quite a lot of expectation to live up to for this tale.

Chilling, well-written, cleverly plotted, and characters who are uncomfortably, realistically horrible – just as with The Kind Worth Killing, Her Every Fear features all of this. It is curiously constructed though. I’m not sure how…  TO READ THE REVIEW IN FULL, PLEASE CLICK HERE

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