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  • Barbara Copperthwaite

Welcome to my world!

…AND IT’S  funny old world at that. At the weekend I was looking back on everything that has happened in the last twelve months or so. I have changed job, moved house, finished my novel, become a bestseller (feels unreal every time I write that)…

I’ve gone from being a social media novice, who prided myself on never having been on Facebook, to having three Twitter feeds (for myself, Invisible, and Go Be Wild) and three Facebook pages (ditto), and have created two websites (my professional one, which covers everything from my journalistic career to photography to book reviews, and my dedicated wildlife online magazine and blog Go Be Wild, I’ve even got myself a new dog, Scamp

Welcome to my world!

Welcome to my world!

(after my beautiful 17-year-old shi-tzhu/poodle cross, Buster, passed away).

The funny thing is, I looked back on all that and was shocked when I listed it – because I actually felt like not much ever happened to me!

In some ways, then, this blog is as much for me as it is for anyone else. A way of reminding me of what I do every day, and what I have achieved. I think it’s a good thing to take time to remind ourselves of what we’ve done. Go on, ask youself what you’ve done in the last year. I bet at first you shrug and think, “Nothing much.” Then really think though…I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how life has moved on.

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