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  • Barbara Copperthwaite


Bestselling domestic noir thriller Invisible, by Barbara Copperthwaite
“A pacy read”

I’m so excited! Fabulous site Postcard Reviews has given my debut novel, Invisible, a wonderful five star review.

When Invisible came out, back in April 2014, I didn’t know a thing about social media – I didn’t even have a Facebook page, let alone anything else. It was a steep learning curve, but a successful one, as my debut novel reach Number 6 in Kindle Murder. The only problem? I hadn’t contacted a single review site to see if they would be interested in reading it and giving me an honest review. There hadn’t been time – and I hadn’t known where to start.

As a result, this is the psychological crime thriller’s first ever review from a book blogger!

“I am surprised that I have not come across this fabulous read before,” notes Tracy, “but I have just read and reviewed ‘Flowers for the Dead’ by Ms Copperthwaite and couldn’t wait to read more of her inimitable style of story-telling.”

The truly wonderful thing is that Tracy, who runs Postcard Reviews, came across my books herself. Just before Christmas I happened across her post about Flowers For The Dead (to read that, click here). So for her to decide to tackle Invisible, too, is particularly special.

It seems she feels the same.

“This is one book that is totally and utterly convincing. It has the reader torn between what is really happening, and what you might be feeling and thinking if you found yourself in the same situation,” Tracy writes.

She goes on to note: “It is a pacy read, and captures life.” Then for the chilling conclusion: “It does make you wonder though, do we really know the person we love?”

Huge thanks to Tracy for taking the time to read and review my novels. I’m so glad she enjoyed them.

To go to Postcard Reviews and read Tracy’s thoughts in full, click here.

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