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  • Barbara Copperthwaite



Earlier today, I realised that this week is the third anniversary of me doing probably the most stupid thing I have ever done – and the choice I’m happiest about ever making. What was it? I begged to be allowed to take voluntary redundancy from a well paid job, so that I could finish my first book.

I may not be J.K. Rowling, but I will never regret making that leap. I’m just writing book three, and it’s tough, but it also fills me with passion and enthusiasm that I wouldn’t have if I’d stayed with my old life.

Leaving my job was the first step of the journey to my becoming an author – so it also seems the perfect time for me to reveal the title for my third book. It’s a chilling tale that starts with the lifeless body of a young teenager girl being found on a marsh near a small village…

And the title is…


I was caught between this and another title, but DYING LIGHT works on many levels for this particular tale. Eek! Decision made! Nerve-racking stuff, this living the dream business…

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