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  • Barbara Copperthwaite

Meet the other me at Noir in the Bar!


I’m so proud to announce I’ll be taking part in the iconic Noir in the Bar, in March. Join me & other crime authors at this fun, fabulous fringe event for crime writing festival Bay Tales, in Whitley Bay. 

The line-up is incredible! There’s Chris McDonald (aka Chris Frost, whose Christmas-themed police procedural featured a chilling killer), Russ Thomas (author of the DI Adam Tyler series), Lori Rader-Day (award-winning suspense author), Fiona Cummins (incredible best-selling author, whose latest book is All of Us Are Broken – and be warned, because it will leave you broken!), Emma Christie (whose third novel, In Her Shadow is published in February), debut author Orlando Murrin, Heather Critchlow (check out Unsolved, her debut, because her second book is coming out soon!), Eve Smith (her chilling thriller, One, is set in the near future, where Britain has adopted a one-child policy), Jo Calaghan (author of incredible dystopian hit In The Blink of An Eye, where AI and detective join forces to solve crime. It is currently Waterstones’ Book of the Month), Emma Styles (award-winning author of No Country For Girls), and finally…little old me.

This will be the first time I’ve ever appeared as the ‘new me’, Barbara Havelocke. I’m almost tempted to wear a wig and a totally different style of clothing – what do you think?

Be the first to hear an EXCLUSIVE extract from Estella’s Revenge, my gothic historical thriller – and yes, it’s definitely got crime in it. There is such darkness running through Estella’s Revenge, which was inspired by the Charles Dickens character from Great Expectations, Estella Havisham. Just imagine a child raised in darkness, isolated from others, and told daily to ‘never love, never trust’. Imagine the psychological damage that would do to a little girl…and the woman she would grow up to be.

Noir in the Bar is taking place on 1 March, at 7pm, at the Crab & Waltzer, 5-7 Marine Ave, Whitley Bay NE26 1LX, UK. See you there!

Want to know more about ESTELLA’S REVENGE? Here’s the description:

You know Miss Havisham.

The world’s most famous jilted bride.

This is her daughter’s story.

Raised in the darkness of Satis House where the clocks never tick, the beautiful Estella is bred to hate men and to keep her heart cold as the grave.

She knows she doesn’t feel things quite like other people do but is this just the result of her strange upbringing?

As she watches the brutal treatment of women around her, hatred hardens into a core of vengeance and when she finds herself married to the abusive Drummle, she is forced to make a deadly choice:

should she embrace the darkness within her and exact her revenge?

Estella’s Revenge is a stunningly original, gripping Gothic read, perfect for fans of Stacey Halls, Eve Chase and Jessie Burton.

Estella’s Revenge is published on May 9. 2024, in ebook and hardback – and is available to preorder NOW! Just click here.

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