Full disclosure here, I’m a big fan of Stuart Gibbon, who co-wrote Being a Detective: An A-Z Readers’ and Writers’ Guide to Detective Work (along with Stephen Wade). Stuart is my go-to whenever I have queries about police work for my own psychological thrillers, so obviously I just HAD to check out his latest offering – especially as his previous title, The Crime Writer’s Casebook, is now sitting permanently within reach beside my desk (review of The Crime Writer’s Casebook available here).
Being a Detective: An A-Z Readers’ and Writers’ Guide to Detective Work is exactly what it says. From fascinating insight into interview techniques , to footwear evidence; from the Big Red Key, to the ABD principle, there really is an answer to every question you may have when writing crime fiction. It’s not simply a list of dry facts, either – the authors write in an easy-to digest style, and shore up their information with case studies.
This really is a must-have for writers. It will definitely be sitting beside my own writing desk for the foreseeable!