It’s a good job I’m not superstitious, isn’t it, as tomorrow, Friday the 13th, HER LAST SECRET is published. I’ve never been particularly superstitious, although I do walk around ladders, but this seems common sense to me – I’m always worried it might slip and fall on me if I walk beneath it. But, I’m keeping everything crossed, knocking on wood, throwing salt over my shoulder, and anything else I can think of to ensure that Her Last Secret is a success. Wish me luck!
The paperbacks arrived yesterday. There is something very ‘real’ about holding your own book. After months of writing, editing, approving the title and cover, and promoting, it can feel as though the book will never actually be out. Then – WHAM! – suddenly it’s here, and I’m holding Her Last Secret in my hands.
The audiobook is up on Audible to pre-order today, too, in readiness for tomorrow. It’s always exciting hearing characters being brought to life!
It’s not all about tomorrow, though; there is plenty of excitement today. From Enid Blyton & C.S. Lewis to Peter Swanson, I share my author influences with Bloomin’ Brilliant Books – and reveal how the books I hated studying as a teen have now become some of my favourites. Find out more by clicking here.
There is also a fabulous review on Rachel’s Random Reads, where Her Last Secret is described as ‘twisty‘, and ‘compelling, unputdownable‘. She says the book left her breathless, and her review certainly took my breath away.
‘Frankly, I’m still opened-mouthed at the finale,‘ she writes. Go on, check it out for yourselves by clicking here.
In the meantime, I’ll be spinning much of today trying to find four-leaf clovers in a bid to make Friday the 13th lucky for me. Any suggestions gratefully received!