‘What is the point unless we manage to successfully make people aware of our novels?’
The business of books isn’t discussed very often. We authors prefer to talk about the writing process, and how to improve our prose. But what is the point unless we manage to successfully make people aware of our novels? That’s where a business plan does in handy. And today, over on Frost Magazine, I’m sharing my own tips (plus some of the mistakes I’ve made!)
Frost Magazine is an online lifestyle magazine featuring up-to-date news, reviews, interviews and articles, and it often runs author interviews. It’s definitely worth checking out! Today, pop over and you’ll learn:
How I divide my time between writing and promoting
The three-year plan I’ve just completed
Why I changed from self-published indie author to signing with a publisher
PLUS a sneaky insight into the book I’m currently writing!
To find out more, click here.