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CRIME AUTHORS SPILL THEIR GUTS ABOUT WRITING. Every Thursday top-notch authors of psychological thrillers and crime fiction share their writing secrets – and the secrets to their success – with you and me.
This week: TARA LYONS
Tell us about yourself…
I am a thirty-something year-old, single mother and self-published my debut novel this year! I always wanted to be a writer, but needed that kick up the backside to take the leap – thank God for my dear friends and family. I have seven tattoos (yes, I want another) and I’ve lived in London all my life. But I finally have that desire to move somewhere quieter and more “green” (maybe it’s my age?).
How do you go about plotting your book?
As a solo writer, I’m notes everywhere – paper, my phone, in my head – because the ideas come to me at different times. I think also because I’m starting out on my writing career, different characters and stories are coming at me thick and fast. I have to get it all down so I can sieve through it and find a gem I can build and take further.
As a co-writer, the plotting is more structured. For The Caller (and the second book in the series, but shh that’s an exclusive) myself and Mel Comley planned in detail. A lot of that was because we were creating a new series, but also because we’re miles away from each other. We needed documents we could refer back to while writing different stages. Inevitably, new ideas came to us or the characters took us in a new direction, but we just updated each other and the biographies… TO READ THE INTERVIEW IN FULL, PLEASE CLICK HERE